Some of the photos I promised are below. I've identified those here that had been labeled on the back or who family had been certain of. I will add more as they come available.
Each photo will have a reference number by it. If you are family and would like to help in identification, which I would
LOVE, please leave a comment referencing the number of the photo you are referring to. Also, if you have any memories about a particular photo, such as the occasion, or place it was taken please include that! Stories to go with the photos are always important to preserve!
It will definitely be a group effort to get all of these identified! My hope is that after the post has been online for a while, that others researching their Rigi families will wind up here and connections can be made. High hopes. :)
More photos will be coming, so please check back often.
1. Grandma Jenny (Jenny Iuzzolino Schiavone), Ethel, and Aunt Sal (Lucia Iuzzolino Pacelli) at 704 S. Austin Blvd. in Chicago |
2. Lucia Iuzzolino Pacelli |
3. Christine Iuzzolino Rocco (Married to Tony Rocco) |
4. Bride is Constance Charuhas, Woman on far right holding baby is Jenny Iuzzolino Schiavone. The woman in the middle I am unsure of. |
5. This was grandma Jenny's coin purse. Inside were buttons containing photos of Little Peter Schiavone, who I believe drowned as a child, and the couple in the middle is her sister, Lucia Iuzzolino Pacelli and her husband Sebastiano Pacelli.
6. This was Sebastiano Pacelli, Aunt Sal's husband who died 18 months after their wedding, according to her obituary. I haven't found any death record for him and have trouble locating him in any census. I only know him by their marriage record. Any other information on him would be greatly appreciated!
7. Great photo, Back left is Antoinette Schiavone. Back right is Della Iuzzolino?. Front row, left to right is Lucia Iuzzolino, Vincenza Leonardi, Louis Iuzzolino and Jenny Iuzzolino. |
8. . Pietro Iuzzolino |
9. Boy in front unknown,
Men sitting, left to right: Louis Iuzzolino, Pietro Iuzzolino, Anthony Schiavone.
Women left to right: Unknown, Vincenza Leonardi, Vita Antonia Pacelli Iuzzolino, Jenny Iuzzolino, Lucia "Sal" Iuzzolino.
**Update 8/25 It looks to me like it would be Sal on the far left not the far right. She is also the only one wearing black... mourning her husband? And may possibly have glases on? The far right looks more like Christine. Can anyone weigh in on this? Thanks!**
10.. Pietro Iuzzolino and his wife, Vita Antonia Pacelli, Chicago, IL
I have pictures and census information about Dominic and Vita Antonia (nee Seritella) both born in Riccilia o
ReplyDeleteI met connie in 1997 at tony schavone service. Spreading ashes at mt carmel. My mom florence schavone was friendly with connie and spoke of aunt jenny frequently. I am researching my roots on florence spoke of smoot. Her father charles brother was smoot or anthony schiavone. Charlescand anthony were brought up bybthe taglias. Do you know how smoot died and where. I cannot find birth records for Anthony or his brother (my grandfather), Charles. Any dates or info on smoot and his brother would be great. Wondering what happened to their parents etc. Florence died last may at 95 1/2. She had a lot stories.
ReplyDeleteI have some older pictures on Louis Iuzzolino & his & Jenny's son Peter. Please feel free to contact me so that you can add to this site. I am Peter's son's Louis' Daughter.