Last updated 1.26.12
These are most of the surnames I've been researching. I add to the list as I go....
Anitt, Anton, Antú, Arreola, ASHMAN, Barrera, BARTON, BENAVIDEZ, Bengston, Bernal, Bertelsen, BIERIETZ, BILLINGS, BOECKENHAUER, Boedeker, Borrego, Bowers, BRADDICK, Bragg, Brandon, Bremer, Broesche, Brown, Brownell, Broz, BURMESTER, Busse, Butenschoen, Byrd, Calvert, Cantú, Carsilla, CATON, CHARUHAS, Cockrell, CONKLING, Cook, Cote, Cradler, Cubos, De La Cruz, De Oyos, Deeke, DEFELLIPPO, Delbovel, DEMERS, Desenis, Devereaux, Dittmer, Dorothe, Drake, Duane, Dunteman, Dutcher, EMENS, Enriquez, Epperson, Face, Farstoll, FLENTGE, Fowler, Frias, FRUENDT, Fry, Garrett, Grable, Gray, Grewe, Gummer, Hagaman, Hammond, HANSON, Harrington, Hecht, HICKS, Homeyer, Iruegas, Isaacson, IUZZOLINO, IVERSON, Johansson, JOHNSON, JONSSON, Kattar, Keenan, Kerrigan, Kiessinger, KING, Kirchmeier, Knief, Krumwede, Lachapelle, laeske, Lagerhausen, Langhorst, Langlois, LATWESEN, laura, Leflar, Leonard, Leonardi, Leroux, Liefhurst, LIMARDI, Loch, LOPEZ, Lou, LUDLAM, Luebking, Lynn, Naffit, Maña, Manning, Martini, Matthias, Maynard, McClellan, McKelvey, Mensching, Meyer, MICHAUD, MILLER, Monkemeier, Monzon, Morbato, Mueller, Munn, Netherland, Nietman, Norman, Nueman, Oehlerking, Oldendorf, Oliva, Olivares, OLSEN, Oltrogge, Ortiz, Pacelli, Paone, Patnode, Peña, Petrick, PETTY, Pfingsten, PHILLIPS, Pieper, Portillo, Pratt, Prevost, Prualth, Ramirez, Reese, Remec, RENDóN, REYNOLDS, Richard, Richers, Rioux, Rocco, ROHE, Rokay, Ronqvist, ROPOSA, SAETHER, SALAZAR, Salinas, Saller, Sayre, Scaglione, SCHAVONE, Schoo, Schroeder, Schwartz, Senne, Serrato, Shramek, SIPPLE, Sirois, SMITH, Soudan, Sprague, Squires, STENMAN, Sucharski, TAGTE, Tagtemeyer, Tallarico, Treviño, TRIPETT, TSOURAKAS, VAIL, Valdez, Vari, VILLARREAL, Waldron, WATERS, Whitmore, Wikenson, WILLE, William, Windheim, Winslow, Witthoeft, WIVEL, Wolter, Woodville, Wuestenfeld, Young, Zayed, Zumm
What a big list of names you have there!! Great blog and I'm excited to be following along with you!! I had no idea the Billing's family was around Manistique for that long!!
ReplyDeleteThanks Kim! It's a start. If you have names and dates on your family lines that you'd like me to add on just let me know. I don't have much on the Nedeaus, besides your grandpa, really.
ReplyDeleteDid you ever found anything on Antu family especially interested on Rosales Coahuila.
ReplyDeleteAfter I Finish some work on another line of the family I plan to go back and develop the López/Antú line a bit more and track their movements around the Rosales and Nuevo León area, and look for residences previous to that area also. Thanks for stopping by!