If anyone knows ANYTHING about Sune Bergman, the author of these books, or help for the translation on these notes I may have botched, feel free to let me know! I think I may post some of the pictures on Anbytaforum and see if anything comes up.
The first book of Sune Bergmans that we have:
Äventyret I Gungstolen translated to Adventures in The Rocking Chair.
and the note inside the cover.....
I've tried google translate and all I can get is something like:
Esther and Helge, Today as of June 11, 1958, This comes to you by plane from the old country.
Then I have no idea what that Bruksanoisming word is. after that, I type in the words, and the sentence changes around on translation, and then disappears, like the computer can't make anything of it. so I tried typing in one word at a time, deleting, then another word, deleting, then another word.... tedious, but worked out a little better.....
The book is intended to lie on nightstands. Only five pages need to be read at a time - then that- when so well.
Okay, I got the jist of the first part. but not the last. And this doesn't give a clue as to who Sune is to them, except he probably knew them from the old country.
Next book we have is another copy of Adventures In The Rocking Chair but it's a hard copy. Copyrighted the same year as the other; 1957.
The text inside the cover is short and upon first translation I got:
Helge & Esther
With normal cervical accession
Well then. I'm going to take a wild guess here and assume that's incorrect.....
Helge & Esther
With usual greetings,
Ahhhhhh. Ok! Much better. But why were two copies given? I don't have a clue. Maybe Sune wanted the paperback one "on the nightstand" meaning it could get roughed around and the hardcover put away for keeping? I honestly don't know.
NEXT......... Med Näver Och Glödstift or in English, With Birch Bark And Glow Plugs
Um, what are "glow plugs"? Am I missing something here? ....Anyways...... on to the inside cover...
To my dear friends Helge and Esther from Sune in Aug. 1958
In memory of your second Sweden trip.
Well that's a tad more helpful.... so I can assume Sune is not family, but a dear friend. But now I want to read the book and see why it's given "in memory of" their trip back to Sweden. I am NOT google translating this whole book. I guess I'll just have to learn Swedish! Ha!
Last book, simple hard cover like the second, is titled:
Nog Går Det Bra which translated to: Enough, Do Not Hesitate
If I put each word in alone, I get "Enough can the good." Sooo, I'm going to go with the first one.
The inscription says....
With the usual greeting (then a word I can't figure out....) desire for Merry Christmas from all of us in (oh this next word gave me trouble....) Hawk morning? Hawk bog? Is it the name of a town maybe?
One other interesting tidbit... the last book, it also has published inside a lot of pictures. The pictures are described as this in the beginning of the book:
Illustrations are printed in the book directly from linoleum plates which has been cut by the author.
This is interesting because some of them look familiar. Our family has prints that look very similar, but were done, as we understand it, by my great grandfather Helge.
Also, this one in particular stands out....
My grandfather, Arthur, made a few woodburning pictures when he was back in Sweden visiting. His cabin is done the same way, same angles and looks very similar. I'll try to post a picture of it. Seeming as how this print is describing Norrbotten, and our family was from Norrbotten, I wonder if they were looking at the same thing when they each made their pictures......